PORT ST. LUCIE | There is an outdoor garden, a sacred place, honoring Mary, the Mother of God, at Holy Family Parish in Port St. Lucie. It began as a shared vision of the pastor, Father Tri Pham, and the parish’s Hispanic ministry to construct a serene place where parishioners, including those just passing by, could sit and pray, reflect or just seek solace away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The vision came to fruition with the dedication and collaboration of the Catholic community coming together to build the shrine honoring Mary, or “Mama Mary” as many parishioners affectionally like to call the Mother of God.

Click here Article’s source: Florida Catholic Media, Inc.

Artist: Maria Nowak is shown with Pope Francis March 16, 2022, when she presented a portrait of him that she made with grains and wheat. Nowak is a member of Holy Family Parish in Port St. Lucie.