“A Journey into Painting II” At Skulski Art Gallery in Clark, NJ
Artists – students of Aleksandra K. Nowak Art School located at the Polish Cultural Foundation
Local Paint Class Exhibits Art In Skulski Gallery
Polish Cultural Foundation hosts art gallery exhibit in Clark
CLARK, NJ — The Skulski Art Gallery of the Polish Cultural Foundation in Clark hosted the opening of an art gallery titled, “Wood and Grain,” with reliefs by Jerzy Chojnowski and grain compositions by Majka Nowak on Sunday, Nov. 13.
The work will be displayed until Dec. 2. The opening including a musical performance by Dorota Huculak, who sung poetry accompanied by the guitar.
Majka Nowak is a painter, sculptor and stain-glass artist. She uses a very unique technique in her work which gives texture, and also a signature unlike any other. Nowak uses different grains to create her work.
“Wood and Grain” – November 13, 2016
Wood and Grain exhibit – Skulski Art Gallery of the Polish Cultural Foundation
Wystawa “Wood & Grain” w Clark
Polscy artyści zapraszają na wernisaż i wystawę “Wood & Grain” w Polskiej Fundacji Kulturalnej w Clark, NJ.
Oficjalne otwarcie wystawy odbędzie się 13 listopada o godzinie 3 ppoł. i trwać będzie do godziny 6 wiecz. Wezmą w niej udział: Maria Majka Nowak, która komponuje swoje dzieła naturalnym ziarnem, oraz artysta rzeźbiarz Jerzy Chojnowski, który zaprezentuje płaskorzeźby natury, a także prace o tematyce sakralnej. Wernisaż uświetni poezją śpiewaną i grą na gitarze Dorota Huculak. Wystawa trwać będzie do 2 grudnia br. Mile widziani są wszyscy, którzy zechcą wesprzeć działalność polskich artystów. Godziny otwarcia galerii: wtorek-piątek od 11 przed poł. do 4 ppoł. oraz na zamówienie, tel. (732) 382-7197.
“Wood & Grain” – Art Exhibit in Clark, NJ
The Skulski Art Gallery of the Polish Cultural Foundation in Clark, New Jersey is pleased to present art exhibit titled:
“Wood & Grain” with reliefs by Jerzy Chojnowski and grain compositions by Maria Nowak, from November 13 through December 2, 2016.
Please join us at the Opening Reception:
Sunday, November 13, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
“Wood & Grain” – Art Exhibit in Clark, NJ
The Skulski Art Gallery of the Polish Cultural Foundation in Clark, New Jersey is pleased to present art exhibit titled:
“Wood & Grain” with reliefs by Jerzy Chojnowski and grain compositions by Maria Nowak, from November 13 through December 2, 2016.
Please join us at the Opening Reception:
Sunday, November 13, 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Obrazy “malowane” ziarnami
Zrobienie jednego obrazu zajmuje nawet cztery tygodnie, a to dlatego, że Maria Nowak z New Jersey musi dzielić swój czas między pracę, obowiązki domowe i swoją pasję. W pracowni zamyka się dopiero, gdy zaśnie najmłodsza córka. Zamiast pędzli i farb używa przede wszystkim ziaren, m.in. kawy, pszenicy, kukurydzy, pieprzu czy różnych odmian kaszy, ale lista jest o wiele dłuższa.
Clifton Association of Artists Celebrates 50th
CLIFTON, NJ – The Clifton Association of Artists concluded their Members’ Show “Inspiration” with a celebration of the association’s 50th Anniversary at the Clifton Arts Center on Saturday, April 13th. Prior to the buffet dinner catered by the Royal Manor, Garfield, NJ, Mistress of Ceremonies, Eugenia Gore, reviewed the origin of the Association when twelve friends began painting in a barn and became incorporated in 1963 under the sponsorship of the Clifton Board of Recreation. A first state-wide exhibition was held in School 6 in 1966. Eventually, the group had 90 members. During the many years meetings were held in various locations throughout Clifton until the efforts of former Mayor and Councilwoman Gloria Kolodziej, the converted former quarantine station barn became the Clifton Art Center gallery. As the first group to hold a show in the new gallery in 2000, the Clifton Association of Artists has continued having an annual Members’ Exhibit in the gallery. Outdoor shows, open to all artists, and library shows are also regularly held.