Maria Majka Nowak- “Spring Interplay – Landscapes”
Z A P R O S Z E N I E:
Maria Majka Nowak- „ Spring Interplay- Landscapes”
6 marca – 3 kwietnia 2017
910 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, New York 11222
Janusz Skowron, kurator wystawy
Maria Majka Nowak, ur. w Nisku. Ukończyła PLSP w Rzeszowie. Od wielu lat mieszka w New Jersey, USA. Brała udział w wielu indywidualnych i zbiorowych ekspozycjach sztuki. Na wystawie w Galerii kawiarni Starbucks pokazuje pejzaże: w technice olejnej i skomponowane naturalnym ziarnem.
Maria Nowak, born in Nisko , Poland graduated from Piotr Michalowski School of Fine Arts and Design in Rzeszow, Poland. Received diploma in Fine Applied Metal Art under direction of Prof. Jan Bechta and Prof. Jan Damej. Studied sculpture in the studio of Prof. Piotr Kida, painting and drawing under direction of Prof. Jerzy Szymanski.
Maria is a painter, sculptor and stained glass artist, who also uses a very unique technique of grain compositions on canvas or board. By using all kinds of seeds, such as corn, bean, sesame, poppy, etc, she transforms them into images of landscapes, floral compositions and portraits. She begins with drawing the subject, then covering small parts with polyurethane to set the grains. When the art work is completed, she fortifies it again with the polyurethane.

Wystawa Marii Majki Nowak “Spring Interplay-Landscapes”
Afternoon – size: 18x 24 Grains on canvas

Wystawa Marii Majki Nowak “Spring Interplay-Landscapes”